Developmental Stages (Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma haematobium)
- Cercarial transformation
- Isolation of eggs
- In vitro laid eggs (IVLE)
- Cercarial transformation - from a single snail
- Sporocysts
- Adult worms, maintenance in vitro
- PI/FDA staining
Genomic protocols
- Isolation of genomic DNA from a single worm
- Transgenesis using retrovirus Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV)
- Transgenesis – lentivirus (LV)
- Transgenesis using the piggyBac transposon
- Conventional RNAi
- Vector based RNAi
- Whole worm In Situ Hybridization (WISH)
- Confocal microscopy
- Protein protocols
- Protein isolation
- Luciferase activity assays
- Cathepsin activity
Opisthorchis viverrini
- Protein chemistry
- In situ labeling
Fasciola hepatica
- In vitro excystment of metacercariae
- Newly excysted juvenile collection, culture and manipulation
Snail intermediate hosts of schistosomes and other trematodes
- Bge Cells in culture